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Ecuador's Original English Language Newspaper

Beauty is not skin-deep, it’s life-deep

Beauty is not skin-deep, it’s life-deep

A lot of us humans are like dogs: we really don’t know what size we are, how we’re shaped, what we look like. The most extreme example of this ignorance must be the people who design the seats on airplanes. At the other extreme, the people who have the most accurate,...
I’m Just Sayin’: Just don’t be a jerk

I’m Just Sayin’: Just don’t be a jerk

“While Michael is taking a break, we are digging into the archives and choosing some of his favorite columns to run again. This one comes from way back; it was in Volume 1, Issue 6 on July 14, 2016! We think it still reads well today. We hope you do too.” “So who died...
Cuenca expats find harmony through Tai Chi

Cuenca expats find harmony through Tai Chi

Our body is subject to the laws of time. They begin to change from the moment of birth, and continue to evolve until the moment we pass away. Of course, some of these changes are microscopic and not perceptible. It is only after the change becomes significant when we...
The real cost of living in Ecuador? It’s personal

The real cost of living in Ecuador? It’s personal

“Is it as cheap to live in Ecuador as they say?” The question was posed recently by an English friend but it’s one I’m asked frequently. What he’s referring to are claims made by a number of publishers, web sites and blogs, including International Living and Live and...