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Ecuador's Original English Language Newspaper

Be Aggressive

Be Aggressive

This article is unlockedThe Cuenca Dispatch is a subscription only website.  If you enjoy this article, consider subscribing to gain access to weekly reports on Ecuador’s economics, politics, crime and more. Click here to start your subscription This week, for...
Be Aggressive

The word mask is not in the Constitution

“It’s not going away. We have to accept that. People are going to continue to die from it. We have to accept that.” There is a rumor that this is going to be a new approach to the White House’s “talking points” about the coronavirus pandemic. Now rumors are sometimes...
Be Aggressive

We’ve survived worse than this

Wow, a lot has sure happened in the week since my last column. And a lot more will happen before this week’s edition hits the newsstand. I’m talking about the coronavirus of course. Things are moving so fast that almost anything written today will be outdated by...
Be Aggressive

I think our mother is just pissed at us

As you can see, there is a lot of news about the coronavirus in this issue. That’s obviously because it is spreading worldwide now, and The Cuenca Dispatch is trying to provide information about it that you might not easily get in other places. This thing is sending a...