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Ecuador's Original English Language Newspaper

You can teach an old dog new tricks

You can teach an old dog new tricks

So, if you’ve been reading my column for a while, you know that we have 8 dogs out on our property in Yunguilla. They were all street dogs we took in over the years and we love every one of them. Their personalities are so unique, like humans, and even their barks are...
You can teach an old dog new tricks

Brilliant ideas

Today I was talking to a friend who lives in Thailand and he told me about a “brilliant” (as in not really brilliant) idea that someone we know has come up with. The guy he mentioned has decided to open a Cajun restaurant. In Thailand. When pressed on whether he...
You can teach an old dog new tricks


We got a late start today and I suspect many of you did as well! It’s the day after Christmas and we had a party with a group of 12 people yesterday. Fun was had by all, but not in the usual way. Few gifts were passed between friends, because we did something...
You can teach an old dog new tricks

The Entenmann’s is for company!

The strangest thing happened to us this morning. We were quietly relaxing after a big breakfast on the first day of the new year when all of a sudden, our 7 dogs (yes, 7) started barking wildly. Codie jumped up first and said that there was a car at our front gate....