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Ecuador's Original English Language Newspaper

Take a hike

Take a hike

Last week we published a story about the Municipality’s new “Guía caminANTES,” or “Walkers Guide,” that lays out in detail, 16 different hikes—ranging from low difficulty to high difficulty—that one can take around the Cuenca area. This new guide offers a chance to...
Take a hike

The care is kind if good, well maybe

I think I’m passing a kidney stone. Maybe, maybe not. I have a lot of back pain in the area that would indicate that I do. I know because I’ve had them before. Several of them. They suck. They pop up at the least opportune times and can screw up your life for several...
Take a hike

Sometimes, the bulls win

For those of you who have been here a while and used to visit Café Eucalyptus, you may recall the iconic painting that hung in the center of the old colonial space.  It was of a bullfight in Spain. But it wasn’t a normal bullfight, it had a big twist to it. It was...
Take a hike

Whatever it is, it’s not an emergency

The coffee is still brewing, but I’m writing without it this morning. Only because I have to get my column done early today. The newspaper’s graphic design person is going on a well-deserved vacation and needs all the contributors to turn their columns and stories in...