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The stardust that seasons our lives

The stardust that seasons our lives

The capacity for friendship is God’s way of apologizing for our families. Much has been made of the length of time expats stay in their adopted home. I guess the average is 3.63 years. I am making the number up, but it is close, and illustrates the facts that we live...
Is reversing global warming too ambitious?

Is reversing global warming too ambitious?

Reverse Global Warming? Ambitious, no? Let’s pick the idea apart. Reading the weekly science newsletter in grade school piqued my interest. Preparation for the International Geophysical Year was “front page!” Scientists from around the world, the U.S. and the Soviet...
Cuenca has a new Ombudsman:  César Zea

Cuenca has a new Ombudsman: César Zea

The “Defensor del Pueblo” or Ombudsman’s job is to guarantee that the rights of Cuenca citizens are being respected. The man charged with that responsibility is César Zea, who recently assumed his Ombudsman’s responsibilities. “I hope to solve the problems of the...