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Ecuador's Original English Language Newspaper

Is reversing global warming too ambitious?

Is reversing global warming too ambitious?

Reverse Global Warming? Ambitious, no? Let’s pick the idea apart. Reading the weekly science newsletter in grade school piqued my interest. Preparation for the International Geophysical Year was “front page!” Scientists from around the world, the U.S. and the Soviet...
Cold weather affects farming in city

Cold weather affects farming in city

The “Helada Blanca” (White Freeze) came to the farms in Cuenca. Farmers say they can manage for now, at a 4° temperature, as long as the “Helada Negra” (Black Freeze) doesn’t come. “These freezes are simple. They don’t affect us too much. We still have grass. But if...
Celebrate Thomas Paine: Express yourself!

Celebrate Thomas Paine: Express yourself!

I have been enchanted with Cuenca since the day I arrived. I’ve also been writing about Cuenca since my earliest days. This article was originally printed in CuencaHighLife. Among the principle roles a newspaper plays in society is serving as a community sounding...