by Jonathan | Aug 4, 2020 | Volume 4, Issue 44
This article is unlockedThe Cuenca Dispatch is a subscription only website. If you enjoy this article, consider subscribing to gain access to weekly reports on Ecuador’s economics, politics, crime and more. Click here to start your subscription A United States...
by Jonathan | May 14, 2019 | Uncategorized
By Roxi Guerrero Ronald Reagan said it himself in his farewell speech in 1989, when he told the story about a prisoner of war who worked planting tomatoes and melons in an American field. This prisoner described this time as the “happiest of his life”. He fell in love...
by Jonathan | Apr 28, 2018 | Uncategorized
Looking for authentic cultural immersion in Cuenca? Check out the city’s mercado scene; it’s lively, vibrant, and bountiful, with large bustling indoor and indoor-outdoor produce and meat markets scattered around town. Shopping at, any of the city’s nine large...
by Jonathan | Apr 24, 2018 | Uncategorized
Cuenca is changing before our eyes, and is becoming more multicultural and more cosmopolitan. That’s the assessment of University of Edinburgh researcher Calvin Evans who studies international immigration patterns. “The changes are happening rapidly due to the influx...