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Ecuador's Original English Language Newspaper

Cuenca needs to change with the times

Cuenca needs to change with the times

A new wholesale market, land terminals, plans to relocate the airport, parks and convention centers are among some of the proposals put forth by the candidates for the Mayor’s Office of Cuenca. How necessary are these works? Well, according to a study by the...
Triggered by a thought

Triggered by a thought

“Good weather for ducks.”  That’s what a customer used to say all the time when he came into the pharmacy I worked in when I was 16.  Not just on rainy days.  But every day.  He was most certainly mentally challenged and I was too young to really understand how deep...
SUPER Aki coming to El Centro

SUPER Aki coming to El Centro

Corporation Favorita is investing two million dollars in the construction of new “SUPER AKí” supermarket at the corner of Rafael María Arízaga and Tarqui. One million dollars will be invested in the construction and another million will be spent for equipment,...
Cuenca deep in debt from Tranvia

Cuenca deep in debt from Tranvia

According to a recent report presented to the Municipality’s Finance Committee, the local government of Cuenca had over $137 million in outstanding debts to multiple banks and other creditors at the end of the third quarter in 2018. Among those creditors are: the...