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Ecuador Has One of the Weakest Passports in Latin America

Published on September 26, 2023

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Nestled in the heart of South America, Ecuador is known for its stunning landscapes, rich culture, and warm hospitality. However, when it comes to the global passport ranking, Ecuadorians face certain limitations that hinder their global mobility. According to the latest data from The Henley Passport Index 2023, Ecuador still holds one of the weakest passports in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The Henley Passport Index, which annually ranks 199 passports from around the world by the number of countries their holders can travel to without visas, sheds light on the global mobility of Ecuadorian citizens.

As of September 2023, Ecuadorians can enter only 92 countries in the world without needing a visa. This places Ecuador in the 60th position in the global ranking, a position it shares with Vanuatu, a country located in Oceania. While this is not the worst ranking in the world, it clearly demonstrates that there is room for improvement in terms of the travel freedom enjoyed by Ecuadorian passport holders.

Bottom of the pack in Latin America

The Latin American passport with that highest global ranking on the list is that of Chile (#16), which is quite impressive, allowing visa-free entry to a staggering 174 destinations. Argentina (#19) and Brazil (#20) follow closely, offering their passport holders visa-free access to 169 and 168 countries, respectively.

Also ahead of Ecuador in the Latin American and Caribbean region are 13 other countries, including passports from Mexico (tied at #23 with Israel with 159 countries), Uruguay (#27 with 153 countries), Costa Rica (tied at #28 with Antigua and Barbuda with 151 countries), Panama (#32 with 144 countries), Paraguay (tied at #33 with Dominica with 143 countries), Peru (#35 with 139 countries), Guatemala (#37 with 135 countries), El Salvador and Honduras (tied at #38 with 134 countries), Colombia (#39 with 133 countries), Nicaragua (#43 with 128 countries), Venezuela (#45 with 126 countries), and Belize (#56 with 102 countries).

On the other hand, passports from Guyana (#62 with 88 countries), Bolivia (#65 with 80 countries), Suriname (#67 with 78 countries), the Dominican Republic (tied at #73 with Azerbaijan, Tunisia, and Zambia with 71 countries), Cuba (#80 with 63 countries), and Haiti (tied at #90 with Angola with 52 countries), fall below Ecuador, granting their citizens access to a limited number of countries without a visa.

World global passport ranking leaders

The global ranking unveils a stark contrast between the best and worst passports in terms of global mobility. Singapore leads the pack as the most powerful passport in the world, granting its citizens access to an impressive 193 countries without needing a visa. The second position is shared by eight countries, including Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Spain, and Sweden, which offer visa-free entry to 192 destinations. In third place, six countries, Austria, Denmark, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom, provide their passport holders the privilege of visiting 189 nations without a visa. In essence, these top three tiers encompass the 15 most valued passports globally.

Tied at number 4 on the list are: Belgium, Malta, Norway and Portugal with access to 188 countries. At number 5 are: Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Switzerland. Citizens of these four countries can have visa-free entry into 187 countries.

In the case of the United States, often considered a golden ticket for travel has risen one spot above its 2022 global ranking. The Henley Passport Index ranks the U.S. passport tied with Czechia, Greece, and Poland at sixth on its list, offering its citizens access to 186 countries.

The U.S. passport has been gradually dropping in its place on the list since 2006 (when it was tied for #1 with Denmark and Finland with 130 countries), the first year the index was established.

When looking at the weakest passports on the global stage, Afghanistan claims the title, with its citizens able to enter only 27 destinations without a visa. Syria and Iraq follow closely behind, with 28 and 29 destinations, respectively, where their passport holders can travel without a visa.


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