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Correismo candidate Luisa González says she was the target of an assassination plan

Published on September 19, 2023

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Luisa González, the presidential candidate for the Citizen Revolution (RC), arrived at the State Attorney General’s Office in the northern part of Quito, flanked by her running mate, Andrés Arauz, and a group of RC politicians and enthusiastic supporters. They were there to formally file a complaint regarding an alleged attempt on González’s life.

According to the Citizen Revolution (RC), on August 30, 2023, a plan was uncovered aimed at harming presidential candidate Luisa González. Fortunately, law enforcement acted swiftly to prevent any harm from befalling her. During this operation, several individuals were apprehended, and one of them purportedly confessed during a charging hearing that he had carried grenades in his backpack with the intent to use them during a political rally supporting the RC. This confession had subsequently circulated on social media through accounts affiliated with Correismo, creating a significant stir.

In light of these unsettling developments, González chose to implement heightened security measures for her protection. This included accepting support from the Armed Forces and wearing a bulletproof vest as precautions. In collaboration with her legal team, she also made a formal request to be included as a participant in the ongoing investigation, with the aim of uncovering those responsible for the alleged attack.

During her comments, González hinted at the difficulties encountered in securing the suspects’ testimonies at the Prosecutor’s Office, suggesting potential obstacles originating from certain state entities. However, despite these concerns, the Prosecutor’s Office had maintained a conspicuous silence, refraining from providing any public statements or updates regarding the alleged attack, leaving many questions unanswered.

Assembly members join the González to file complaint

The elected assembly members of the Citizen Revolution, standing in solidarity with González, joined her in presenting the complaint. They too sought recognition as victims in the ongoing investigation, underlining the gravity of the situation.

The formal delivery of the complaint took place amidst a robust security presence, including uniformed police officers and military personnel. Beyond the office’s doors, a gathering of RC supporters had congregated, demonstrating their unwavering support for González and their demand for justice.

The incident in question originally arose from an arrest on that fateful August 30 when grenades were found in an individual’s possession. González emphasized the significance of the leaked audio, which provided compelling evidence of the individual’s intention to harm her.

In a firm and resolute tone, she stated, “I have filed this complaint, which signifies not only my need for personal safety but also the broader imperative to shine a light on this matter and identify those potentially involved in this incident.” González’s sas she is committed to pursuing justice and uncovering the truth behind the alleged attack, setting the stage for a compelling investigation that is beginning to capture the attention of the nation.

1 Comment

  1. Social media reports, huh. Most likely fake news by the opposition.


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