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(Cuenca Area) A 21-year-old motorcyclist, Pablo Andrés Vargas Plaza, was killed last Sunday in the community of Quillapungo, belonging to the parish of El Valle, Canton Cuenca, when he collided with car. Doctors who arrived at the scene of the accident confirmed the...
TEDx talk will take place in Cuenca on June 13

TEDx talk will take place in Cuenca on June 13

This year, for the sixth time, Cuenca will be holding a TEDx talk. The event will be held at the Pumapungo Museum Theater. The theme for this year is “deconstruction.” There will be six speakers, each with 18 minutes at their disposal to get their point through. The...
Workers union protest in Cuenca June 6

Workers union protest in Cuenca June 6

Masías Tatamues, national president of the Unitary Workers Front (FUT), met yesterday in Cuenca with leaders of social and collective organizations and confirmed a protest march for June 6. During the meeting, the labor reforms proposed by the National Government were...