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Cuenca cracks down on drunk driving

Cuenca cracks down on drunk driving

This past weekend the Civil Traffic Agents (ACT) of the Mobility Company (EMOV EP), of the Municipality of Cuenca, stepped up surveillance on Bajada de Todos los Santos in order to reduce accidents and to ensure drivers had the proper registration and licenses.  What...
Easy is a matter of perspective

Easy is a matter of perspective

When Codie and I went back to the US last month, one of the things on our list of “to dos” was to get my driver’s license renewed.  Now, we all have DMV stories that are a great source of amusement at dinner parties and can make people laugh in a “shared pain” kind of...
Ecuador exports increased in 2018

Ecuador exports increased in 2018

In 2018, Ecuador exported $4.638 billion in industrialized products, an increase of 7% over 2017, according to data from the Central Bank. The main destinations for Ecuador’s products were countries from South America, Central America and the European Union (which...
Moreno “frees” the press

Moreno “frees” the press

This week President Lenin Moreno, signed the “Declaration of Chapultepec”, a set of rules and principles that was created in 1994 to support democracy and freedom of expression and the press throughout the Americas. The Declaration of Chapultepec established, among...