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Serious environmental destruction in the Cajas

Serious environmental destruction in the Cajas

An illegal road cut into the Cajas National Park has raised major concern and is leading to an investigation by the Office of the Prosecutor (COIP). According to The Ministry of the Environment (MAE), the damage was probably caused by residents of Patul, Baute,...
Eyes in the sky

Eyes in the sky

Like many major cities in the world, Cuenca has been busy at work installing cameras throughout the city. According to, Alexandra Altamirano, coordinator of ECU 911 Austro, there are 248 cameras installed in Cuenca. When a person is a victim of theft, or when an...
Government asks for detention of Vicuña

Government asks for detention of Vicuña

This week Attorney General, Ruth Palacios, asked the National Court of Justice to order “preventive detention” for Ecuador’s former Vice President María Alejandra Vicuña. The Prosecutor’s Office has accused Vicuña of “alleged participation in the crime of extortion,...