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Food Carts in Cuenca

Food Carts in Cuenca

I can still vividly recall how much fun I had as a kid when the family would vacation in Mexico. I always loved it. The women wore flowing skirts and embroidered white cotton blouses that seemed to sashay on the slightest breeze, while mustachioed men in tight-fitting...
What should you bring to Cuenca?

What should you bring to Cuenca?

My reading habits are pretty broad. I enjoy the derring-do of Jack Reacher with the same enthusiasm as when reading literary fiction, biographies, periodicals, or poetry. I’ve recognized that in every genre the subject of mindfulness in some manifestation arises and...
What should you bring to Cuenca?

What should you bring to Cuenca?

I’ve been corresponding with a friend who is moving to Cuenca in less than three weeks; he is dragging three suitcases behind him.   I too arrived here “Bedouin-style”, carrying what I considered to be only the essential items certain to be of use and irreplaceable....